Sistema di riscaldamento ad irraggiamento

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  1. mikybiturbo

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    A me lo aveva detto un Ottico del cento ospedaliero CHUV in Svizzera se vuoi ti cerco la pubb, scientifica, comunque non ti ricordi gli avvertimenti dati in occasione della eclisse solare avvenuta nel 1999 in Francia ,comunque si parla logicamente di lunghe esposizioni, l'occhio non percepisce certe lunghezze d'onda ma sopporta.
    Io personalmente me lo sono costruito, lo uso, e lo trovo fighissimo, esci dalla doccia e hai questa sensazione di caldo che non ti costa nulla?non volevo assolutamente essere polemico
  2. BrightingEyes

    User deleted

    Il glaucoma ha cause, meglio concause conosciute (miopia elevata, ipertensione, diabete) oltre a un'evidente predisposizione genetica. Non mi risulta alcuna relazione con l'infrarosso. Alcuni strumenti diagnostici oftalmologici fanno proprio uso degli IR.
    In effetti mi sembra difficile che fissare un pannello possa dare grossi problemi, certo che se esistono degli studi scientifici che lo provano la cosa può cambiare. Vedremo.
    Secondo me si rischia di più a fissare il monitor del Pc. E' anche più interessante di solito però. :P
  3. mariomaggi

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    Su questo sito di astrofili si chiarisce in poche righe:

    Il succo e': la luce del sole e' pericolosa, essa e' composta da radiazioni ad alta energia (ultravioletti), a media energia (luce visibile) e a bassa energia (infrarossi). Vorrei ricordare che l'energia degli infrarossi e' molto meno intensa di quella degli ultravioletti.

    Approfondimento: Museo della Scienza

    Deduco che i danni agli occhi siano avvenuti principalmente a causa della concentrazione di raggi molto energetici, in primis gli ultravioletti.
    Un normale pannello a infrarossi e' ben lontano da emettere 1 milliwatt/millimetro quadro , semmai e' piu' pericolosa una lampada a infrarossi o una normale lampadina a filamento in vetro chiaro oppure un LED ad alta luminosita'. Si tratta infatti di sorgenti quasi puntiformi, ad elevata emissione energetica per millimetro quadro; effettuando una verifica di sicurezza luce si puo' vedere chiaramente se l'oggetto e' pericoloso o no.


    Edited by mariomaggi - 17/11/2006, 17:18

    Dimensione 4.7 Gruppo:Moderatore

    ....credo che il danno agli occhi non fosse propriamente il glaucoma,quanto possibili danni al cristallino,come l' opacizzazione oppure il distacco della retina.
    Radiofrequenza,microonde e infrarossi di qualsiasi banda tendono a far oscillare le cellule del cristallino Il problema non è dovuto tanto alla qualità degli infrarossi,quanto al surriscaldamento graduale del cristallino,che per sua natura non è assolutamente in grado di smaltire il calore,agendo quasi come gli accumulatori termico-solari.Un esempio pratico,soprattutto nei mesi invernali in cui si diffonde l'influenza virale, lo abbiamo nei casi di febbri alte,in cui l'occhio non riesce bene a focalizzare le immagini. Dunque è bene non fissare lo sguardo nè su pannelli nè su stufe nè su caminetti accesi,per quanto piacevole e riposante possa sembrare.
    Anche la secchezza dell'aria,con valori di umidità inferiori al 40-45 %,causa disturbi visivi,in particolare cheratocongiuntiviti e arrossamenti/lacrimazioni.
    Bastano poche precauzioni e i pannelli svolgeranno allegramente il loro lavoro.
  5. mikybiturbo

    User deleted

    non volevo fare il figo dicendo che a differenza di molti italiani posso leggere documenti scientifici anche in Tedesco, come era il rapporto del ricercatore oculista, allora ho cercato e ho trovato per voi questo che in inglese esprime le medeime preoccupazioni. Nel mio lavoro sono tutto meno che pressapochista, poi non lavoro nemmeno per una ditta che e' la piu grande poduttrice di pannelli infrarosso e che per caso mi ha dato il permesso di venderne i piu' sfasciati, ai miei conoscenti, facendoci magari anche una provvigione.Non ho proprio conflitti di interessi. anzi mi domano perche perdo tempo a tradurvi gratuitamente.

    Presenter: Capt. Mario E. Fajardo, M.D.
    Occupational Medicine Physician
    Human Factors Division (G-WKS-3)
    Disclosure: Capt. Fajardo does not have any financial arrangements or
    affiliations with any corporate organizations that might constitute a conflict of
    interest with regard to this continuing education activity.
    1. Learn the principles of Non-Ionizing Radiation Exposure.
    2. Know the effects of radiation on organ system function.
    3. Understand the major classes of Non-ionizing Radiation.
    4. Understand exposure prevention methods.
    5. Learn the management of exposures to non ionizing radiation.
    6. Learn about Laser Radiation Exposure
    Note: The following material is a summary of information extracted from various
    sources dealing with this extensive subject matter. The presenter takes no
    authorship of this material. For more detailed information readers are referred to
    the reference material at the end of the section
    Radiation is the emission or transmission of energy. Electromagnetic radiation
    (EMR), as such, defines the motion of oscillating electric (E) and magnetic (H)
    fields that characterize the emitted energy, while radar, an acronym for “radio
    detection and ranging”, defines a system that locates and identifies objects
    through the reflection of electromagnetic energy beams. Electromagnetic
    radiation, ubiquitous in natural environments, has a number of wave motion
    characteristics, such as frequency, wavelength, and velocity, which define the
    range of the various types of radiation. These waves move through space at the
    speed of light and are classified according to wavelength and frequency, which
    operate in a direct inverse relationship.
    Following is list of terms and mathematical calculations that are essential in the
    understanding of the clinical effects of electromagnetic radiation exposure.
    WAVELENGTH (λ) - distance between two similar points on the wave.
    Unit of measurement: meter (m); 1 millimeter (mm) = 10-3 m; 1µm = 10-6 m;
    1 nm = 10-9 m.
    FREQUENCY (ν) - number of oscillations per unit of time.
    Measurement unit: hertz (Hz); 1 kHz = 10-3 Hz; 1 MHz = 10-6 Hz;
    1 GHz = 10-9 Hz.
    VELOCITY (c) - speed at which electromagnetic radiation travels in a vacuum or
    in air. Velocity can be calculated by the following formula:
    c = 3 x 108 meter/second (m/s)
    All the above characteristics of EMR relate by means of the following equation:
    c = 3 x 108 meter/second (m/s) = (λ) (ν)
    ENERGY (Q) can be calculated through the following formula:
    Q = 1.26/λ (µm) electron volt (eV)
    1 eV = 1.6 x 10-19 joule (J)
    The latter formula is significant, for the purpose of this lecture, in understanding
    that Non-ionizing radiation is < 12.4 eV, while ionizing radiation is > 12.4 eV.
    Any object with a temperature greater than absolute zero emits infrared
    electromagnetic radiation, though the precise characteristics of the radiation vary
    according to the source. There are many industrial and domestic sources, in
    addition to the sun, which emit intense amounts of infrared radiation. Among
    these are incandescent light bulbs and heat lamps used for baking, as well as
    equipment used in dehydration operations, drying of paints, and heating of metal
    parts. There are three bands of infrared radiation: IR-C (far) has the longest
    wavelength and it’s the furthest from visible light. Its physiologic effects are
    primarily thermal. As with IR-B (middle) these wavelengths are almost totally
    absorbed and invisible to the eye. On the other hand, IR-A (near), as it pertains
    to solar reflection, may occasionally be seen as a dull, red glow. Since they tend
    to absorb the greatest amount of infrared radiation, the skin and eyes, manifest
    the greatest tissue effects.
    IR (skin effects)- the effects on the skin are based primarily on the reaction to the
    thermal stress, which include vasodilatation of the capillary beds and
    hyperpigmentation. Capillary vasodilatation with increased circulation, sweating,
    and ambient air movement allows the skin to dissipate the heat load imposed by
    IR radiation. This heat load is perceived initially as warmth, which relates to the
    rate at which the skin temperature is reached, usually in the order of 0.001 to
    0.0020 C/ sec. This perception decreases as the skin area increases. The pain
    associated with IR exposure is related to the skin temperature, while the extent of
    tissue damage is dependent on both the skin temperature and the duration of
    exposure. Note that although the acute thermal injury resulting from an intense
    IR exposure is due to overheating, the intensity of the effect is determined by the
    wavelength of the radiation.
    IR (ocular effects)- the energy absorbed by the ocular epithelium imparts damage
    to the cornea. At wavelengths less than 1.3 µm the iris is particularly susceptible
    to IR radiation effects. The iris can dissipate its heat load only to surrounding
    ocular tissue, thus serving as a heat sink mitigating the amount of radiation
    reaching the lens. The lens selectively absorbs wavelengths from 1.4-1.6 µm and
    from 1.8-2.0 µm. Cataract formation depends on the initial heating to anterior
    portions of the eye, especially the cornea and the iris. The so-called
    “glassblower’s cataract”, are an example of the results of elevated temperatures
    affecting the anterior surface of the lens. Higher incidence of posterior cortex
    cataracts has also been attributed to IR radiation exposure among glass and
    furnace workers and in those who handle molten materials at temperatures
    above 15000 C. In these cases near-IR or visible wavelength components have
    also been implicated. Note that the retina dissipates heat by conduction to
    adjacent structures, particularly the choroids layer. Tissue damage occurs when
    heat cannot dissipate fast enough to maintain tissue temperature below 450 C.
    Since the eyelids and eye do not have adequate thermal warning properties they
    are susceptible to IR overexposure with the formation of corneal ulcers and
    choroidal and retinal damage.
    Prevention- there is no legal exposure limits to infrared radiation except in cases
    of laser use. Ocular damage from incandescent hot bodies reveals a threshold
    effect at 4-8 W-sec/cm2. The American Conference of governmental Industrial
    Hygienists has recommended an IR exposure limit of 10mW/cm2.6
    Any object with a temperature greater than absolute zero emits infrared
    electromagnetic radiation, though the precise characteristics of the radiation vary
    according to the source. There are many industrial and domestic sources, in
    addition to the sun, which emit intense amounts of infrared radiation. Among
    these are incandescent light bulbs and heat lamps used for baking, as well as
    equipment used in dehydration operations, drying of paints, and heating of metal
    parts. There are three bands of infrared radiation: IR-C (far) has the longest
    wavelength and it’s the furthest from visible light. Its physiologic effects are
    primarily thermal. As with IR-B (middle) these wavelengths are almost totally
    absorbed and invisible to the eye. On the other hand, IR-A (near), as it pertains
    to solar reflection, may occasionally be seen as a dull, red glow. Since they tend
    to absorb the greatest amount of infrared radiation, the skin and eyes, manifest
    the greatest tissue effects.
    IR (skin effects)- the effects on the skin are based primarily on the reaction to the
    thermal stress, which include vasodilatation of the capillary beds and
    hyperpigmentation. Capillary vasodilatation with increased circulation, sweating,
    and ambient air movement allows the skin to dissipate the heat load imposed by
    IR radiation. This heat load is perceived initially as warmth, which relates to the
    rate at which the skin temperature is reached, usually in the order of 0.001 to
    0.0020 C/ sec. This perception decreases as the skin area increases. The pain
    associated with IR exposure is related to the skin temperature, while the extent of
    tissue damage is dependent on both the skin temperature and the duration of
    exposure. Note that although the acute thermal injury resulting from an intense
    IR exposure is due to overheating, the intensity of the effect is determined by the
    wavelength of the radiation.
    IR (ocular effects)- the energy absorbed by the ocular epithelium imparts damage
    to the cornea. At wavelengths less than 1.3 µm the iris is particularly susceptible
    to IR radiation effects. The iris can dissipate its heat load only to surrounding
    ocular tissue, thus serving as a heat sink mitigating the amount of radiation
    reaching the lens. The lens selectively absorbs wavelengths from 1.4-1.6 µm and
    from 1.8-2.0 µm. Cataract formation depends on the initial heating to anterior
    portions of the eye, especially the cornea and the iris. The so-called
    “glassblower’s cataract”, are an example of the results of elevated temperatures
    affecting the anterior surface of the lens. Higher incidence of posterior cortex
    cataracts has also been attributed to IR radiation exposure among glass and
    furnace workers and in those who handle molten materials at temperatures
    above 15000 C. In these cases near-IR or visible wavelength components have
    also been implicated. Note that the retina dissipates heat by conduction to
    adjacent structures, particularly the choroids layer. Tissue damage occurs when
    heat cannot dissipate fast enough to maintain tissue temperature below 450 C.
    Since the eyelids and eye do not have adequate thermal warning properties they
    are susceptible to IR overexposure with the formation of corneal ulcers and
    choroidal and retinal damage.
    Prevention- there is no legal exposure limits to infrared radiation except in cases
    of laser use. Ocular damage from incandescent hot bodies reveals a threshold
    effect at 4-8 W-sec/cm2. The American Conference of governmental Industrial
    Hygienists has recommended an IR exposure limit of 10mW/cm2.

    Department of the Navy-
    BUMEDINST 6470.23-
    Medical management of non-ionizing radiation casualties.
    Medical Treatment and Evaluation of Radiofrequency Injuries.
    Naval Flight Surgeon Handbook- Laser Exposure.
    OPNAVINST 5100.23E- Laser Classification.
    Department of the Army-
    FM 8-50- Prevention and Medical Management of Laser Injuries.
    Wavelengths of Laser.
    Optical Radiation by William E Murray (1995)
    Textbook of Clinical Occupational and Environmental Medicine
    Rosenstock/Cullen: Chapter 23.2-Nonionizing Radiation by Alan M. Ducatman
    and Donald L. Haes, Jr.
    Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Second Edition by Robert J.
    The Occupational Environment-Its Evaluation and Control, by Salvatore R.

  6. mariomaggi

    User deleted

    Grazie mikibiturbo per l'interessante documento.

    Prevention- there is no legal exposure limits to infrared radiation except in cases
    of laser use. Ocular damage from incandescent hot bodies reveals a threshold
    effect at 4-8 W-sec/cm2. The American Conference of governmental Industrial
    Hygienists has recommended an IR exposure limit of 10mW/cm2.

    Qui si sta parlando dell'area dell'occhio che riceve le radiazioni. Per intenderci, se l'occhio ha una superficie assorbente di 2 cm2 , secondo l'A.C.G.I.H. il limite di esposizione e' di 20 mW.

    Ora, un pannello a IR non emette piu' di 100 mW/cm2 verso l'ambiente circostante, in tutte le direzioni su 180° , con una maggiore intensita' per i raggi perpendicolari (quelli a 90°). La potenza viene quindi distribuita su una superficie che aumenta all'aumentare della distanza emettitore-occhio.

    Per essere chiaro, a questi livelli di potenza gia' a 5 centimetri di distanza pannello-occhio il livello di potenza specifica per area risulta sotto il limite indicato.

    threshold effect at 4-8 W-sec/cm2.

    Questo valore mi sembra veramente eccessivo ! Non e' che manca un suffisso "milli" ? :huh:
    above 15000 C. In these cases near-IR or visible wavelength components have
    also been implicated. Note that the retina dissipates heat by conduction to
    adjacent structures, particularly the choroids layer. Tissue damage occurs when
    heat cannot dissipate fast enough to maintain tissue temperature below 450 C.

    Qui si vede che il documento non e' stato scritto bene.
    I numeri 15000 e 450 sono entrambi assurdi.
    Penso che l'autore abbia voluto scrivere rispettivamente 1500°C e 45°C , ma quando si "danno i numeri" e' d'obbligo essere corretti.

    Altra osservazione: qualsiasi corpo caldo emette infrarossi. Un radiatore/termosifone emette infrarossi all'incirca come un pannello a IR. Semplicemente nel pannello e' molto ridotto il raffreddamento per convezione, mentre la parte radiante e' sostanzialmente simile.
    Riguardo allo stress termico sulla pelle:
    This heat load is perceived initially as warmth, which relates to the
    rate at which the skin temperature is reached, usually in the order of 0.001 to
    0.0020 C/ sec.

    Tradotto in termini pratici, qui si accenna ad uno stress della pelle per una variazione di 1°C in 500 ...1000 secondi, circa 8 ....16 minuti.
    Quando rientriamo normalmente in casa d'inverno subiamo uno stress termico di almeno 20°C in 10 secondi !

  7. pipposio

    User deleted

    Sono sempre io Pipposio il curioso.
    Siamo a metà di questo pazzo inverno chi stà usando questi pannelli ad infrarosso può darci qualche notizia riguardo al loro effettivo funzionamento? Consumano quanto dichiarato? riescono a riscaldare quanto dichiarato? Quanto dovete tenerli accesi? Insomma pensate che valga la pena provarli?
    Ringrazio chiunque vorrà dare notizie e auguro un ancora lungo 2007.
  8. carletto

    User deleted

    Anche carletto il curiosetto vorrebbe sapere qlc da chi li sta usando sti pannelli ad infrarosso..o nessuno li sta usando?

  9. Gabryfly

    User deleted

    Ciao Mikibiturbo,

    è troppo chiederTi qualche info in più su come realizzare un piccolo riscaldatore ad infrarossi.....è più o meno una cosa per comuni mortali o servono attrezzature e componenti "quasi irreperibili" ?
    Grazie per l'attenzione

  10. valeria2

    User deleted

    CITAZIONE (mike62 @ 14/11/2006, 21:41) 
    ciao a tutti, ho dovuto sostituire una vecchia termopompa aria-aria supportata anche da dei convettori elettrici.
    Per caso mi hanno fatto conoscere i pannelli a infrarossi della ditta Redwell .
    Per la mia casa di cinque locali più due bagni (248 m3) avrei dovuto installare 9 pannelli più relativi termostati; il tutto per circa 8000 euro.
    Dal momenti che qui da noi io faccio un pò da cavia ho scelto di installare 4 pannelli, cosi che se l'impianto non funzionava bene limitavo la fregatura.
    Ho installato i pannelli nel seguente modo:Sala (72 m3) 1 pannello da 900W e 1 da 600W - Cucina (23 m3) 1 pannello da 600 W - Corridoio (23 m3)
    1 pannello da 300 W.

    Ai pannelli ho aggiunto un termostato ricevitore che riceve da un trasmettitore dove si possono programmare le temperature nei diversi momenti della giornata.

    Il sistema per il momento funziona, l'unica incognita rimane il consumo di elettricità.

    :lol: ciao

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    Edited by nll - 1/2/2019, 12:55
69 replies since 3/2/2006, 22:56   42662 views